Monday, 7 November 2011

Classroom Displays

-lettering cut outs
-watercolour as paint
-behaviour meter
-display areas for all year levels
-images of korus, kowhaiwhai, pasifica, indian, pasifica,
-jobs or role chart; who is doing what
-making boarders out of wrapping paper
-make posters of food or kitchen equipment with english and maori word and boarder
-clothesline with work pegged up on it
-dafont (website for font creation)
-print off a letter on each paper (coloured) to make words
-class rules, try not to use the word no
-velcro backed definitions and key words match ups
-hauora dimensions
-5 plus a day and food ketes, shells and baskets
-poster with sugar and fat models
-quotes; resilience, cooking, values

Monday, 19 September 2011


The Holy grail of all teaching resources :

Great site for food technology revision (nutri properties, food product development, social and enviro issues, packaging and labeling etc ):

AMzing printable resource :

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

My Tool Box

for Teaching

Pass the pen
Brainstorm/visual brainstorm
Think, Pair, Share
Brainstorm with stay and stray

Looking back and looking forward
Learning log
Gant Chart

PMI, Walk and Gawk, Quizzes, Class auction (students have set amount of money to put on values, do a tally and graphs at the end and discuss results), who wants to be a millionaire, Q & A origami game (students
 can make their own and quiz each other)

role play (students ty not eating dairy, gluten, sugar, fat etc), doughnut to get other peoples info or opinions, one minute stations (photos of facts posted around the room )
Work plan, timer/ buzzer,

Observe and record recipe in own words, illustrate recipe, number off recipe steps, close style recipe with elaboration questions at each stage, what are the functional purposes of ingredients.

Quizes, collection of adjectives/ adjective bank, 

Each group member having a designated role, incorporate kai awhina, kai korero, kai tuhi and kai tiaki into class.

Chrissie's bag game(step one words surrounding key words, acting out key words, saying one word to guess key word), glossary, human treasure hunt matching terms with definitions, fly swat game, glossary with word, picture, definition and example.

Seminar, role play, posters (with presentation and rotation ), Poem, rhyme, song or rap

Role play, using children stories or movies,De Bonos thinking hats: Black: Problems, difficulties, caution, Yellow: positive, benefits, feasibility, White: information, facts, Green: alternatives, creative ideas, Red: feelings and intentions, Blue: organizing and managing the thinking.

make a quiz on today's content for revision for the next class

"Really dissapointed""Expected more from you" 

Geomaster (Gordon Ramsay), competition of who can be this person every week. Gets to choose dishes to cook, designate jobs to others,
Board game: Groups of 4 have a dice and a game piece, make a sheet that has a start and a finish and squares with questions that they have to find the answers to.  
Human treasure hunt
I have who has game... e.g. nutritional cntent of foods, electronic version online. 
Collecting food packaging and labels.
round robin placement

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Unit Planning Resources


NZQA: Contains past exams, credit matrixes, gloassary of assesment terms and links to helpful websites.

Great site for ready made unit plans and resources for all subjects

General teacher Resource sites:

Food Technology

Techlink: Good Technology unit plan examples and ideas as well as plenty of photos

Food Technology First. Blake Gualtier, Fanning.
Food composition tables. Bender & Bender. MOH. 
Food Technology and the supermarket. Fry
Food y design 2. Heath, McKenzie, Tully.
Consumer magazine, Healthy eating magazine. 

The characterisitcs and properties of food Part 1, Part 2, Enzymes, Pectin and Pigments. Video Education Australasia.

Food and Nutrition

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles at School: Snapshots and updates of what schools around the country are using to improve the health of their students, good ideas on here for issues in food technolgy and food and nutrition

Food and Nutrition: Elaborating on the key focuses of Food and Nutrition in the NZ curriculum


Health & P.E Online: Contains info, lesson ideas, unit ideas and information about the key areas of health and concepts of hauora

Te Reo

Te Reo Maori lesson plans and ideas including achievement objectives, units etc.

Ideas for teaching multiple intelligences

Multiple intelligences encompass all the different ways people learn. I have listed some examples of how to cateer to these learning styles in my lessons and teaching.

Word Smart-Linguistic
Poem, pamphlet, advertisement, comic strip, debate, journal, demonstration, essays, interviewing, deffinitions, describing qualities of food.

Logic Smart- Logical/ Mathmatical
Graph, Timeline, Workplan, Crossword Puzzle, Experiment, Calculations, Chart, Sequencing, Classifying, measuring.

Nature Smart- Naturalist
Field trip, photo Essays, identifying and classifying animals, fruits, vegetables, plants etc, gardening, growing foods, learning about soils.

Picture Smart - Spatial
Photo essays, visual brainstorms, flashcards with images, illustrating a recipe step by step, you tube videos, making 3-D models, illustrated diagrams

Body Smart - Bodily-Kinesthetic
Physically demonstrating and measuring out things like fat and sugar content in food, role plays, making models, standing in a continum, demonstrating, fly swat game, group relays (running to the board and back).

Music Smart- Musical
Making a rap, song, poem, using youtube raps and songs to help with memory, rhyming, playing background music.

People Smart- Interpersonal
Brainstorming, co-operative learning, discussion, jigsawing

Intrapersonal- Self Smart
Personal choice in projects, personal goal setting, personal responses, independant reading, personal log keeping, expressing personal stories and culture.

Also, just a wee note of all the different ways I might use comic life in class....

General Resource Making


Glogster - Makes great interactive posters that students can acess online including sound clips and videos. Can even make posters and print them out for class.

Tagxedo  - Can make key word collages in the shape of an image of your choice. I can use this personally for posters for the wall or students can record key words and make their own versions to present to the class.

Wordle - Similar to Tagxedo, can make word clouds out of key words.

Flaming Text - Good to make different text and titles for worksheets, websites or posters.

Comic Life - Programme available for Mac and Windows to make comic strips and posters, good to illustrate cooking recipe steps or processes such as step by step how to cut an onion.


Digistore- Good for searching for online resources such as games and quizzes. User name: dcoe, pword: 9020.

Crosswords: Make your own personal class crosswords or choose from a variety of pre made ones.

Survey Monkey: Students can make surveys for their stakeholders, you can make surveys to gain student feedback and organise events.

Online Quiz Maker: Make online quizzes and tests for students, good to asses learning and get feedback.

NeoK12: Good site for organs, food and nutrition and health , videos and games.

Flashcards: Make your own flash cards with images, great for learning terminology. Can make your own for teaching or get kids to make and revise their own.

PRESENTATIONS Slideshare: Browse and share ready made slides.

Prezi: Good presentation alterniative to power point, very similar but with great zoom in zoom out motion.

Popplet: Great for class brainstorming or presenting the components of an idea or a presentation, can easily add youtube clips and audio clips and add information easily. Easy to zoom in and out. Students can make their own popplets in groups for brainstorming or showing a step by step process.